Proposed 2023 budget lessens high inflation impacts and maintains quality services

November 16, 2022

Proposed 2023 budget lessens high inflation impacts and maintains quality services

Strathcona County administration presented a recommended 2023 budget to Council today as a starting point to discussions in setting next year’s budget.

The proposed 2023 budget looks to address inflation and economic pressures, while maintaining current programs and services expected by the community.

“High inflation, supply shortages and the current economic climate are hitting the County’s 2023 budget hard. The significantly higher costs for fuel, utilities and materials, and general inflation is placing upward pressure on County,” says Chief Financial Officer Jennifer Cannon. "For example, costs for natural gas and electricity are up substantially over the last year.”

“To manage these challenges, many beyond the County’s control, we’ve leaned down even more from past years,” adds Jennifer Cannon. “In our 2023 budgeting, we’ve absorbed as much of the pressures as possible in order to reduce the tax burden on residents.”

With these measures that lessen the impacts of inflation on the budget, a 5.5 per cent tax revenue increase is proposed in 2023 to maintain the County’s high level of quality services. The estimated impact of this proposed increase on a residential property assessed at $430,000 (average sample) would be $105 more a year, or $9 monthly.

“Strathcona County is a large municipality with a lot of assets to maintain, including 1,733 kilometres of urban and rural roads, and about two million square feet of facility space to light and heat. Given the escalating costs, that’s financial pressure,” explains Jennifer Cannon. “Importantly, the 2023 budget continues to fund annual maintenance programs to keep County assets in good shape. Only critical new work is included, along with dollars to replenish reserves to maintain the County’s healthy financial picture in the long term.”

Budget meeting dates continue November 17, 18, 21, 24, 28, December 1, 2 and 5, as required. The full recommended budget is found at

Residents and businesses are invited to share their views on budget with Council at a public hearing on November 21 at 5 p.m. To register to speak in-person or online via ZOOM, email or call 780-464-8014 by November 18 at 12 noon. Written submissions are also accepted up to this time. A resident may also add their name to the speaker's list at the public hearing if they are attending in person. 

The budget meeting webcast is a good way for residents to hear the budget challenges, rationale and final decisions. The public can watch the sessions live or recorded at, or attend the budget meeting. 

Following Council’s budget meeting deliberations, a final 2023 multi-year budget will be approved. The final tax rate will be approved in the spring of 2023.


Contact: Strathcona County Communications, 780-410-6595