High-pressure transmission pipelines are used to transport large amounts of natural gas from producers to communities and industrial customers. For residential customers, the high-pressure transmission pipelines feed local distribution pipelines, managed by companies like ATCO Gas. These distribution pipelines run throughout Strathcona County, primarily located in public utility lots, bringing natural gas to homes and businesses.

Residents are deterred from engaging in activities that might cause a ground disturbance and put the community at risk. These areas are best left undisturbed.

For more information on natural gas pipelines, feel free to visit any of the following resources:


ATCO Pipelines

Alberta One Call

If you are unsure if land near your property is part of a public utility lot or public utility corridor, contact us today to ask.

Planning and Development Services
Phone: 780-464-8080
Fax: 780-464-8142
Email: planninganddevelopment@strathcona.ca

Last updated: Friday, April 20, 2018
Page ID: 45392