Responsible Livestock Ownership Map
Are you unsure if you are allowed livestock on your property? Or how many you may keep?
We've created an interactive map so that residents can now easily see whether or not they are permitted to have livestock on their property and how many are permitted.
Farmers, agriculture producers and food manufacturers can access resources to assist with land use planning, environmental needs, making connections and developing networks.
On this page
Supporting agribusiness
Agriculture is important to Strathcona County and the region – agribusiness is leading growth, investment and diversification. Find out more about agribusiness investment and watch the business feature video below.
County resources
Economic Development and Tourism: Supports business development in Strathcona County. We can assist and connect farmers and agriculture producers to resources for land use planning, environmental needs, making connections and developing networks. Looking to invest in Strathcona County? Benefit from access to local, provincial, national and international markets, areas for processing, as well as Class 1 soils, livestock inventories and labour pool. Discover many investment opportunities in the agriculture and food sectors -
Strathcona County business directory: Consider adding your farm or agribusiness to the Strathcona County business directory, to better connect and market to the local community.
Planning and Development Services: Provides services to rural Strathcona County residents. These include traffic control, road clearance, pest control and others.
Family and Community Services: This department is here to support you. We know our rural community is resilient, and we are here to help you carry on with hope.
- Navigation Services: Navigators can help access financial support and other resources to help you through difficult seasons.
- Counselling: The County’s professional counsellors will talk with you and offer support and coping strategies for the stress you’re facing. No appointment needed.
- Family Resource Network: If you’re a parent, the County also provides parenting supports and services to support your entire family.
External resources
Rural Development Network (RDN): A not-for-profit group that helps rural communities fill gaps in community social development by offering services on a cost-recovery bases. They also act as an advocacy group for broader issues, “amplifying the collective voice of rural communities.”
Canadian Agricultural Partnership: The CAP is a five-year, $3 billion investment by federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen the agriculture and agri-food sector.
Alberta Agriculture and Forestry is the provincial ministry overseeing the agriculture and food industry. The ministry provides information, decision making tools, online directories, business listings and other programs and resources.
Invest Alberta: A resource centre connecting international and Alberta investors. The tool provides resources for the agri-foods sector.
AFSC AgriRecovery Livestock Feed Assistance Initiative: AgriRecovery helps producers recover extraordinary costs beyond what is available through other financial assistance programs.
Farm specific mental health resources
AGKnow: Alberta Farm Mental Health Network
In the Know: A virtual mental health literacy course developed specifically for farmers and evaluated by researchers at the University of Guelph.
The Do More Agriculture Foundation: A not-for-profit organization focusing on mental health in producers across Canada.
4-H Canada Healthy Living Initiative: A series of resources and activities available to youth and their families to support their health and well-being.
Rooted in Strength: Mental health resources presented by Farm Credit Canada
Buddy Up: Centre for Suicide Prevention's 'Buddy Up' is a men’s suicide prevention communications campaign.
High Heels and Canola Fields: Mental Health Advocate bringing awareness of the importance of mental health on the farm.