Safety within our recreation and culture facilities is a top priority in Strathcona County. While you can expect to have a safe and fun experience in our facilities, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of injury or theft.
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Theft happens
When you visit a recreation or culture facility, it's best to leave your valuables at home, if possible. Risk of theft can change with trends, and sometimes thefts will happen in waves. We work with the RCMP Crime Prevention Unit to continually monitor and address ongoing crime concerns.
Tips to minimize your risk of theft:
- Lock wallet and keys in a wallet locker.
- Lock team dressing rooms. Keys are available at the front desk
- Report any suspicious activity to staff
- Park your car in well lit areas
- Hide valuables out of sight or carry them with you
- Lock your car at all times
Change room use
In alignment with the Alberta Human Rights Act, Strathcona County supports the right of individuals to choose the change room that best fits their gender identity. All change rooms are equipped with individual change stalls to provide options for privacy and comfort while changing.
Gender identity is a protected class under the Alberta Human Rights Act, and Strathcona County is governed by provincial human rights legislation. Strathcona County is committed to embracing diversity and supports the respectful treatment and inclusion of all facility guests.
- Strathcona County aims to provide a welcoming environment to all users of our recreation facilities.Â
- We encourage guests to consider their own comfort, as well as the comfort of others when using change rooms.Â
- Strathcona County suggests children ages 6 years and older use their gender appropriate change room.Â
- Aquatic facilities (Millennium Place, Emerald Hills Leisure Centre, Kinsmen Leisure Centre) have either universal, family or specialty change rooms, with individual changing stalls available for use.
- Older facilities have male and female change rooms and dressing rooms, with individual stalls available for changing.
- Arenas have dressing rooms and referee dressing rooms (often used for female players or female referees) – Ardrossan, Moyer, Strathcona Olympiette Centre, Sherwood Park Arena/Shell, Broadmoor, Glen Allan.
- Staff are available to assist with addressing specific inquiries.
- As older facilities are upgraded, planning will consider the widest range of patron needs as possible.
Use of recording devices
Use of personal recording devices (Eg: smart phones, tablets, cameras, etc) is permitted within the following guidelines:
- Photo(s) or video(s) include members of your family or group only.
- Expressed permission is granted from other public participants featured in the recording. Be considerate of others who may be in the background of your recordings, especially when photographing/recording an activity such as swimming lessons.
- Use of recording devices within any facility washroom, changeroom and/or dressing room is not permitted.
Staff have the authority to dismiss any persons who do not abide by these guidelines. Public participants are encouraged to be courteous of other people’s rights to privacy and vigilant by reporting any suspicious use of recording devices to a staff member immediately.
Aquatic facility safety
When you visit an aquatics facility please ensure you are making safe decisions. The following guidelines have been developed to make your experience fun and safe. View our age access guide (369.4 KB) for child supervision age guidelines.
- Children under 8 years old must be within arm’s reach of someone 14 or older who is actively participating with them in the water, while in the pool. Ratio is one supervising person to a maximum of three kids under 8 years old. Lifejackets are available free of charge.Â
- Diving board / Tarzan rope supervision (Kinsmen Leisure Centre)
- Supervision of children using the diving board or Tarzan rope must be done from outside the water.
- Catching children or swimming to them after they have jumped is not permitted.
- If you are unsure of your child’s swimming ability, ask a lifeguard for a lifejacket.
- Life jackets may be used on the low diving board and Tarzan rope.
Pool water quality
Strathcona County is proud to use leading edge technology and innovation to provide world-class water quality. However, it is always important to do your part to keep our pools clean and the germs out.
- Lotion, sweat, cosmetics and dirt use up pool chemicals' power, leaving less power to kill germs and this is why it's important to take a 2-3 minute cleansing shower before you swim.
- Stay out of the water if you have diarrhea or feel sick.
- Poop contamination = pool closure for 7 to 24 hours to maintain a high-quality of safe and clean water. This can result in cancelled lessons and recreation swims for hundreds of people.
- Don't pee or poop in the water.
- Check swim diapers every 30 to 60 minutes. Swim diapers are available for purchase at the front desks.
Public Health Act AR 247/85 s22
Swim Apparel Guidelines
To ensure that aquatic environments are safe and free from any external contaminants, all participants are required to:
- In partnership with the Lifesaving Society and in compliance with Alberta Health Services when bathing in a public pool, swimwear must be suitable for general participation in bathing and must not impair swimming skills. Swimwear may be made of different types of fabric if it does not put a user’s health at risk or interfere with pool water quality.
- In the case of guests, who for personal reasons cannot expose a part of their body, a modified version of traditional swimwear is permissible as an alternative. For example, acceptable alternative swimwear could include footless tights, gymnastic leggings, tight-fitting undershirt, a tight-fitting hood that covers the head and neck with wide openings for the face, tight fitting sweater or pants, or a wetsuit.
- Burkinis and rash guards are examples of acceptable alternative swimwear as face and neck are uncovered and fabric is tight-fitting enough to not interfere with swimming skills. Hands and feet can move freely and there is an additional element of hygiene if hair is covered.
- When using the pool, all swimmers must change from street clothes to a swimsuit and/or clean clothing used for swimming only. Clothing worn in the pool must permit individuals to participate safely in programs.
- Wear clothing that is different from the clothing worn to the facility.
- Take a complete and cleansing shower (while clothed in the swim attire that will be worn in the water) before entering the pool.
Half-ice rink dividers
Recreation, Parks and Culture
Phone: 780-467-2211
Email: recreation@strathcona.ca