Program update
All ditches south of Highway 16 and country residential subdivisions will be sprayed for weeds and brush using a combination of spot-spraying and broadcast spraying.
To request “no spray” next to your property, please contact us at 780-464-8080 to learn about our Landowner Option Program.
The Invasive Plant Management Program consists of two areas, invasive plant control and weed inspection, that work together to prevent provincially regulated plant species from establishing and spreading. Preventing the spread and establishment of these species is important for protecting the environment and surrounding agricultural land from the significant economic, social and ecological risks they pose. We support our community by administering provincial regulations and engaging stakeholders in developing and implementing long term solutions to invasive plant infestations.

Invasive plant control program
The Invasive Plant Control Program utilizes a mix of chemical, mechanical and biological control methods to control weeds in Strathcona County’s rural ditches, right of ways, Environmental Reserves and Municipal Reserves. Learn more about the Invasive Plant Control Program.
Weed inspection program
The provincial government requires every municipality in Alberta to implement a weed inspection program under the Alberta Weed Control Act. Weed Inspectors inspect private property for noxious and prohibited noxious weeds, with the main goal of these inspections being to work collaboratively with landowners to find solutions to weed infestations. Learn more about the Weed Inspection program and landowner responsibilities under the Weed Control Act.
Weed identification and control tips
Review a helpful directory of common weeds found in Strathcona County and get advice for different control methods. Information on the types of available control methods is also available.
Noxious and prohibited noxious weeds
Weeds are regulated as noxious and prohibited noxious when they spread aggressively, are difficult to control and are harmful to people, animals and the environment. These weeds need to be controlled in our community because they:
- infest pastures and crops, which reduces yield and quality
- alter natural habitats and compete with native plants
- displace mammal, insect and bird species
- damage infrastructure such as roads and buildings
- are costly to control if left too long
- take many years to control effectively
- may be toxic to pets, livestock and/or wildlife
The difference between noxious and prohibited noxious weeds:
Noxious weeds have the ability to spread rapidly and cause severe crop losses and economic hardship. Plants in this category are widely distributed in Alberta, but must still be controlled in a manner that prevents the spread to new areas.
Prohibited noxious weeds pose a serious threat, as they spread rapidly and are highly competitive. Plants in this category are either not currently found in Alberta or are found in a few locations, such that eradication could be possible. These weeds must be destroyed, meaning they must be rendered incapable of reproduction entirely. Mowing and cultivation are not appropriate forms of control when dealing with these species.
Planning and Development Services
Agriculture and Environment
Phone: 780-464-8080
Submit a request related to weeds