Residential street snow clearing complete

Parking is now permitted on all residential streets.

Thank you for moving your vehicles to help us clear the snow.

Last modified: Jan. 15, 2025, 10:18 a.m.

Strathcona County follows a priority system to manage snow and ice on more than 187 km of trails and pathways in Sherwood Park and rural hamlets. 

Image showing equipment clearing snow from a County trail

After a snowfall, it can take up to five days to clear all County-maintained trails and pathways. If it snows again, crews will return to clear trails and pathways again in order of priority. 

Effective September 27, 2022  





School sites, including student drop zones, school bus zones, school parks and connector pathways from residential areas  

Cleared within 24 hours


All hard surfaced pathways and trails leading to public recreation facilities  

Cleared within 48 hours


All remaining hard surfaced trails including trails between residential streets 

Cleared within 5 days (120 hours)

Typically, the County will start clearing Priority 3 trails and pathways at the same time as Priority 2 trails 

Ice control on trails and pathways 

If icy conditions are an issue, crews will spread rock chips and use equipment to remove ice, where possible. Rock chips are considered a safe and effective way to manage icy trails and pathways. A sand/salt mix can be hard on pets’ feet and landscaping. 

We typically do not use any chemicals on trails. In extreme circumstances, we will use an environmentally friendly ice melt, which is safe for animals. High-traffic locations near County facilities also use the same ice melt product. 

Ice control around transit centres and facilities 

Concrete surfaces around Bethel and Ordze transit centres, as well as areas around County facilities such as the Community Centre and Festival Place, are cleared with 24 hours following a snowfall. The updated priorities only include trails and pathways.

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Transportation Engineering and Operations
Phone: 780-417-7100
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Last updated: Thursday, January 02, 2025
Page ID: 50914