The 2024 municipal census is now closed.
Thank you for participating!
The results of the 2024 municipal census will be available to the public in Fall 2024. Please check this page for updates.
Census frequently asked questions
Strathcona County's municipal census is a count of all of the residents living within the County, as of the designated census day. The census also collects additional information that is used to assist County departments in the planning of municipal services.
2. Why is the census important? How does it benefit my community?
Permanent link to Why is the census important? How does it benefit my community?Obtaining an accurate count of Strathcona County's population is important for the planning and delivery of municipal services such as recreation, community programs, water services, transit, and roads. The information is also used for municipal election planning purposes.
3. Is the information provided confidential? Is it secure?
Permanent link to Is the information provided confidential? Is it secure?All census enumerators are required to make a statutory declaration. declaring that any information that they become aware of through working as an enumerator will not be shared or disclosed. After collection, all of the information provided by residents is kept confidential and is stored securely within the County's network where only limited designated staff have access to it.
4. How often is the municipal census conducted?
Permanent link to How often is the municipal census conducted?Strathcona County typically conducts a municipal census every year that a municipal election or federal census are not taking place.
5. What happens with my data after the census period?
Permanent link to What happens with my data after the census period?Census data is used to prepare a census report which is made available to the public and is often used by local businesses to plan their services and programs. The data is also shared at an aggregate level in an open data format, which is available on our website. Strathcona County departments use the aggregate data to assist with planning and service delivery for their programs and operations. Steps are taken to remove any personal identifiers and raw data at the household level is never released.
6. Where can I see the results of the census?
Permanent link to Where can I see the results of the census?Detailed census reports are available to the public on our website, and can be found using this link.
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Census Office
160 Festival Way
Telephone: 780-400-3800
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Last updated: Friday, June 28, 2024
Page ID: 37641