The perfect places for drop in activities and birthday parties! Indoor playground areas are available at Millennium Place, Kinsmen Leisure Centre, Ardrossan Recreation Complex and the Strathcona Olympiette Centre. Check the Drop-in Calendar for times.
Please note for all indoor playgrounds:
- indoor shoes or socks are required
- no food or drinks (water only)
- children under six must be accompanied by a responsible person 14 years or older at all times.
Facility supervision
View the Age access guide to learn about how much supervision is required for children in our recreation facilities.

Kinsmen Leisure Centre Preschool Playground

Millennium Place
Edu-tainment Centre

Ardrossan Recreation Complex
Love to Play Room

Ardrossan Recreation Complex
Edu-tainment Centre

Strathcona Olympiette Centre
Preschool Playground

Kinsmen Leisure Centre Preschool Playground

Millennium Place
Edu-tainment Centre

Ardrossan Recreation Complex
Love to Play Room

Ardrossan Recreation Complex
Edu-tainment Centre

Strathcona Olympiette Centre
Preschool Playground