Strathcona County has a number of ways to communicate with residents during an emergency.
In the event of a disaster
- When there are larger and significant emergencies, Strathcona County will use Alberta Emergency Alerts. These alerts are broadcast over wireless text, TV, radio and road signs. Alberta Emergency Alerts are sent to compatible cell phones and wireless devices. You do not need to sign up for these alerts and you cannot opt-out. Test alerts are sent periodically to all Albertans. Learn more about the wireless alerting system.Â
- Non-life threatening updates to alerts are not automatically sent over these channels, but can be found online and in the app. Downloading the app will keep you updated on current alerts and situations.
- Download the Alberta Emergency Alerts app
Strathcona County Alert system may be used to send out emergent, significant, and time-sensitive alerts. Residents are encouraged to sign up to receive alerts by phone, text or email.
Information will be made available
- on the Strathcona County website
- sent to all local media outlets
- phone the Strathcona County switchboard (780-464-8111), open between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday
- on social media sites like  Facebook and Twitter
- on the UPDATEline at 1-866-653-9959; provides information on current industrial site activities in the region that you may be curious about, such as unusual loud noises or alarms, prolonged flares, smoke or fire, traffic levels coming to and from a plant or smells that are prolonged. Industry (NRCAER and Strathcona District Mutual Assistance Program) for posting information about training or drills which may affect surrounding neighbourhoods.
- door-to-door visits by emergency personnel (if necessary)
- electronic signs placed on major transportation routes (if necessary)
Other sources to receive emergency information
- Environment Canada for weather related alerts.Â
- Concerned about air quality? Contact Alberta Capital Airshed, Strathcona Industrial Association, or Fort Air Partnership. Find out more about air quality in Strathcona County.
-  Health advisories are issued by Alberta Health Services.Â
- Wildfire information or by phoning the update line at 1-866-916-INFO (4636)
- Government of Canada, Get Prepared
Emergency notification in our Community
Further information