Birds play an essential role in maintaining healthy and resilient ecosystems in our communities and on our planet. But there are three billion fewer wild birds in North America today than 50 years ago. This is a 25 per cent drop. Strathcona County wants to help reverse this alarming trend.  

Official County bird

Throughout the Summer and Fall of 2023, Strathcona County residents voted in a series of matchups on County Voice and Instagram to decide which bird would take the title of the 'Official County Bird'. At the end of voting, the Pileated Woodpecker was deemed the winner.

pileated woodpecker

A safe place for birds 

Let’s face it: our homes and roads take up space that used to be wild bird habitats. But we can help protect and support wild bird populations by reducing risks to birds that come to our communities. In Strathcona County, we are taking these actions: 

  • Becoming bird friendly certified 
    On April 20, 2022, Strathcona County became the 12th municipality in the country to earn Nature Canada’s Bird Friendly City designation. The certification is a badge of honour that celebrates the contributions municipalities make to save bird lives. Learn more about the certification program. 
  • Celebrating migratory birds 
    May 13, 2023 has been proclaimed as World Migratory Bird Day. This annual campaign marks a day to celebrate these birds, learn about the risks they face and how the community can help save them. 

    The theme of World Migratory Bird Day 2023 is: “Water: Sustaining Bird Life." It aims to address the link between water and migratory birds.
  • Creating a cat shelter pilot project 
    In urban centres, cats can be a big risk for wild birds. The  cat shelter pilot project will work with the community to find ways to keep cats and birds safe. 
  • Promoting dark night-time skies
    Excessive artificial light can disorient birds during migration and pose other harms. Our  Light Efficient Community Policy and practices help to reduce light pollution – one less threat to migratory birds!  

You can help too! 

There are so many individual actions that we can all take to make our lives more bird and biodiversity friendly. 

Start by taking time to discover and celebrate the birds that make Strathcona County their home too! Whether it is only for part of the year, or year-round, there are many feathered friends around.   

  • Go bird watching 
    Knowing is caring. We invite you to go outside and see which feathered friends you can spot, and share your observations with us on iNaturalist!  

    Don’t have a set of binoculars? You can borrow a bird watching kit. The kit includes quick bird watching guides and even bird bingo! 
  • Prevent birds from flying into your glass windows
    Did you know that collisions with buildings kill and injure large amounts of birds every year? Learn DIY simple things you can do to mitigate bird collision risk with buildings

  • Cats and bird
    Learn strategies to keep both cats and birds in our community safe 


Our partners

More information:

Agriculture and Environment
Phone: 780-464-8080

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Last updated: Tuesday, July 02, 2024
Page ID: 51208