Stop the spread of noxious weeds
Under Alberta’s Weed Control Act, weed inspectors are authorized and required to enter private property to inspect for noxious and prohibited noxious weeds. Â
Starting in June, our weed inspectors will be out actively inspecting properties within Strathcona County.Â
All homeowners have a responsibility to help stop the spread of weeds that can be harmful to the environment and public and private property.

Trees and plants are an important part of our ecoscape. Noxious weeds, tree pests and other natural elements can disrupt healthy plant life. County services include taking steps to protect our natural habitat, both on public and private property. Residents have an important role to play, too.
County weed control programs
Strathcona County works with residents to solve noxious weed control issues on private property. Learn more about the Weed Inspection program, along with how the County controls weeds in parks and open spaces.
Weed identification and control tipsÂ
Review a helpful directory of common weeds found in Strathcona County and get advice for different control methods. Information on other invasive plants is also available.
Tree and lawn careÂ
Help maintain healthy plant life on your property. Find out more about tree and lawn care and common tree diseases and pests to watch out for.
Lawn care tips

Learn some helpful tips for growing and maintaining healthy lawns.
Planning and Development Services
Agriculture and Environment
Phone: 780-464-8080
Submit a request related to trees, plants or weeds