We don’t always know the challenges our friends or neighbours are facing. Find out more about Amir’s struggles.

Farah and Amir moved to Strathcona County for a job in Canada. Farah is an engineer at a local refinery. Farah sees her co-workers consistently staying late and she is also working extra hours to keep up with expectations and to stay employed. 

Amir is often home alone. Amir is passionate about graphic art, video games and sports. Since he moved to Strathcona County, Amir has lost interest in these activities and is now struggling at school.

English is Amir’s second language, and he struggles to start a conversation with his peers. Back home he was an all-star cricket player and had a wide circle of friends. His new school doesn’t offer cricket as a sport and he doesn’t know how to play Canadian sports. He wants to learn but doesn’t know who to ask or where to start.

The other kids think that he is standoffish and weird because he doesn’t talk to anyone and all he does is stare at his phone. Amir keeps his phone close by because it is his only connection to his friends back home and he likes to look at old photos of his dad who died 2 years ago.

Teachers are concerned and have called his house several times. When they do connect with Farah, she has limited time to come out to the school and follow up on strategies with Amir.

Farah would like to meet her neighbours as there are some families with children close to Amir’s age, but she is hesitant to start conversations with them. She has heard that there is an organization that can help with their English fluency, but she is nervous to call and is not sure how to fit the classes into her schedule. 

Farah feels guilty for uprooting Amir from his friends, particularly with her increased hours at work and less time to spend with her son.  She doesn’t know what she’s going to do.

  • Do you know anyone like Amir and Farah?
  • Have you ever, or seen someone else, feel like they don’t belong?
  • As a community, how could we help them feel supported, safe and connected?


* Amir is a fictional character. His circumstances and scenario are informed by the support services accessed by residents in the County right now. 

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Last updated: Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Page ID: 49376