Residential street snow removal begins Monday, January 6

January 2, 2025

Residential street snow removal begins Monday, January 6

County crews will start clearing snow on Priority 4 residential streets starting at 6 a.m. on Monday, January 6.  

Residents are asked to watch for large orange “No Parking” signs in their neighbourhood which note the dates parking is not permitted. These signs will be posted along collector roads and at entrances to neighbourhoods a minimum of 24 hours prior to when snow clearing is scheduled to begin.  

During this time, residents can park on collector roads which were cleared before Christmas. These streets are marked with permanent signs that state “snow route when declared”.  

It is estimated to take 10 days to clear all Priority 4 residential streets. If there is snowfall during the process and crews must attend to roads with higher traffic volumes, clearing in the residential areas may be delayed.  

Crews will be working 24/7 to clear the snow, which will result in nighttime noise.  

Reminders for residents:  

  • Vehicles parked on the road during the posted timeframe will be towed, and the owner issued a $250 ticket.   

  • If snow is scheduled to be cleared on a waste-collection day, roll-out carts are to be placed at the end of the driveway, and not on the road or sidewalk.  

  • Parents are asked to remind children to stay off the windrowed (piled) snow for their safety.  

Priority 4 residential streets are cleared when a minimum of 7 cm of compacted snow is reached, as outlined in Strathcona County’s Winter Maintenance Policy.  

For more information, visit

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Strathcona County Communications 