Gallery@501 presents “On the Surface”, an exhibit that questions reality, memory and self-image

June 20, 2023

Gallery@501 presents “On the Surface”, an exhibit that questions reality, memory and self-image Image credit: (left) "Just a Filter", detail, Jen Pankratz, 2021; (right) "Freefall", detail, Jessica Plattner, 2021

Strathcona County is pleased to present “On the Surface”, a new summer exhibition featuring artwork by Jessica Plattner and Jen Pankratz. The exhibit opens at Gallery@501 on July 4 and shows until August 12, 2023.

This exhibition combines the work of two Alberta artists – Jessica Plattner and Jen Pankratz – into one conversation that questions reality, memory and self-image. Both artists use portraiture and the human body to explore their personal journeys in finding truths in an ever-changing world.

Medicine Hat artist Jessica Plattner shares personal stories about her identity in a series of painted self-portraits. She uses fragmented figures and the painting technique of trompe l’oeil (meaning “to fool the eye”) to question what is real in the world around her. Plattner shares vulnerability and strength by depicting emotional and physical expressions of aging, body image and belonging.

Red Deer artist Jen Pankratz sculpts ceramic figures, built by adding many layers of material in a search to capture the strata of memory. Using herself as a model, she sculpts portraits and then changes them into unique characters that represent real and imagined memories. Inspired by various stages of her life, Pankratz captures relatable themes of motherhood, aging, change and family history. She uses expression, detail, surface textures and glazing to heighten the story of each figure.

The public is invited to join the exhibiting artists at a special artist talk and reception on Friday, July 14 at 6:30 p.m. at Gallery@501. This event and admission to the gallery is free.

For more information, visit


Contact: Strathcona County Communications, 780-410-6595