County seeking feedback on winter trail clearing

April 27, 2022

County seeking feedback on winter trail clearing

Strathcona County is looking for resident feedback on its approach to clearing over 200 kilometres of trails and pathways during the winter. 

Feedback from residents and stakeholders will help the County understand whether the current approach is meeting community needs, and where improvements can be made. 

An online survey launched today and will be open until May 11, 2022.

The survey explores how residents use trails and pathways and potential barriers; clearing timelines; and quality of snow and ice control. The survey is focused on County-maintained trails and pathways and does not include privately maintained sidewalks.  

Whether you use trails to get to the bus stop, to travel to school or work, or for recreation, your input will help inform potential changes to the County’s trail clearing approach. 

The goal is to ensure this approach balances community needs, accessibility, efficiency and safety. Any proposed changes and potential budget amendments will be brought to Council for approval in fall 2022.  

Strathcona County uses a ranked priority system to clear its 232 kilometres of trails and pathways, as well as areas around facilities and transit centres. It can take up to eight days to clear all trails and sidewalks after snowfall ends. 

Privately maintained sidewalks are covered under Bylaw 1-2022. Under the bylaw, residents have 48 hours following a snowfall to clear the sidewalk around their property.  

To take the survey and for more information:


Contact: Strathcona County Communications, 780-410-6595