Have your say in RCMP and Enforcement Services priorities

January 5, 2022

Have your say in RCMP and Enforcement Services priorities

The public is invited to take a brief survey on what the RCMP and Enforcement Services priorities should be for Strathcona County in 2022 and 2023.

Each year, RCMP and Enforcement Services establish policing and municipal enforcement priorities to ensure their members focus on issues the public identifies as important. The survey ensures the public has a say in policing and municipal enforcement priorities and department planning.

In addition to priorities, responses to calls for service help the departments allocate resources for the year. Statistics, crime trends and community partner and stakeholder input are also considered.

By collaborating with the community on priorities and planning, RCMP and Enforcement Services is better able to support community safety, resiliency and overall well-being while reducing crime and other harmful social impacts.

RCMP and Enforcement Services work together to ensure Strathcona County is a safe community to live, work and play. They are integrated in the overall responsibility for public safety, law enforcement, evidence gathering, support for victims of crime, traffic enforcement, and education and public awareness through community policing.

Together, they are committed to preserving the peace, upholding the law and providing quality service in partnership with the community.

The survey is available online at strathcona.ca/policing from January 5 to 19, 2022.


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Contact: Strathcona County Communications, 780-410-6595