Public engagement continues on County’s transportation network

June 14, 2021

Public engagement continues on County’s transportation network

Strathcona County continues its review of the transportation network: the roads, sidewalks, trails and transit that connect thousands of people and products, to and from their destinations, safely and efficiently, whether driving, walking or cycling.  

Residents and businesses are invited to complete a new survey to share thoughts and insights on how Strathcona County’s transportation system can evolve over the next 30 years, to best support and connect a safe, healthy community and strong economy.   

Feedback from this survey and follow up focus groups will inform the update of the 2012 Integrated Transportation Master Plan (ITMP), which guides how the County manages and invests in transportation. Resident input, engineering data and alignment with other County and regional planning documents will be considered in development of the final ITMP.  

This second phase of public engagement continues to focus on developing a broad vision for transportation in the community and understanding how transportation relates to Strathcona County’s strategic goals and community priorities. Input will be gathered through all phases of the update.  

During the first phase of public engagement in April, nearly 100 residents and businesses participated in discussion boards on Strathcona County Online Opinion Panel (SCOOP).  

Have your say in how our transportation network connects Strathcona County 

Take the survey between June 14 and June 30:    


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Contact: Strathcona County Communications, 780-410-6595