Strathcona County requiring staff vaccinations

October 7, 2021

Strathcona County requiring staff vaccinations

As part of our commitment to our community’s health and safety, Strathcona County is requiring vaccines for all staff effective Monday, November 1.

Vaccines remain the best protective measure against COVID-19, reducing transmission, protecting our health care system and lessening severe outcomes.

Eligible employees who are not fully vaccinated (two doses) by November 1 will be required to participate in rapid testing, paid for by individual employees. The rapid testing program will be in effect until further notice.

This program will continue to be monitored, adapted and revisited as the COVID-19 situation evolves.

Additional provincial measures remain in place, including the Restrictions Exemption Program, physical distancing and masking in all indoor workplaces, spaces and vehicles.

In addition, the County has implemented COVID-19 health and safety measures which exceed provincial guidelines, including staff daily health screening, hand sanitizing stations, enhanced cleaning, signage and plexiglass barriers.

On September 17, County staff were notified to provide their vaccination status to Strathcona County by September 27. Approximately 79 per cent of the 89 per cent of staff who shared their status are fully vaccinated.

Information about the public health restrictions and exemptions are online at

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