Indoor multi-use fieldhouse exploration continues

October 28, 2020

Indoor multi-use fieldhouse exploration continues

Strathcona County Council has directed administration to move forward with work focusing on the indoor fieldhouse concept (option #4) that includes turf, track, multi-use court space, as well as social and programming spaces.

During the October 27, 2020 Council meeting, administration provided an update on the following project elements: facility need and demand, concept options overview, economic impact assessment, operating and capital costing and preliminary resident engagement survey findings.

Research has indicated a new fieldhouse will alleviate demand pressure in existing facilities (locally and regionally), as well as provide a way to satisfy unmet user demand in existing County recreation facilities for field and court sports (drop-in and bookable spaces).

The proposed operating model includes facility bookings, events, spontaneous use and programming. Initial operating budget estimates indicate an operational break-even point for the facility by 2028. The economic impact assessment indicates positive direct, indirect and induced boosts to our local economy through the facility construction, operation and hosted events’ revenue and job prospects.

Initial public engagement survey results (1,636 survey responses, as of October 14) indicate 72 per cent overall support for the fieldhouse, at an approximate investment of up to $90-million. A complete report of survey responses will be available shortly, as the online survey closes on October 28, 2020.

Next steps include finalizing the public engagement report, project management approach and site selection criteria, which will be brought forward for Council consideration on November 24, 2020. During the November 24 meeting, administration will be seeking Council direction to proceed with detailed design work, with a final decision on total capital budget coming forward in 2021.

The exploration of a new indoor multi-use fieldhouse is an outcome of the recently approved Recreation and Culture Strategy Implementation Plan. The fieldhouse aligns with the top indoor needs identified as recreation and culture priorities, including indoor field space, gymnasium space and an indoor fitness track.

Visit or call 780-467-2211 for more information about the proposed indoor multi-use fieldhouse.


Set in the centre of Alberta’s energy and agricultural heartland, Strathcona County is a thriving, successful and vibrant community of over 98,000 residents. Strathcona County is made up of the urban area of Sherwood Park and a large adjacent rural area of farms, acreages and smaller hamlets. It is home to 75 per cent of hydrocarbon processing in Western Canada. Strathcona County is a leader in environmental conservation, and 55 per cent of its land is within the UNESCO Beaver Hills Biosphere. With a focus on economic, governance, social, cultural and environmental sustainability, Strathcona County is committed to balancing the unique needs of its diverse community.

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Contact: Strathcona County Communications, 780-410-6595