Avoid a tow!

There are two types of parking bans: snow route parking bans and residential street parking restrictions.

Knowing the difference—and which signs to watch for—could save you from a costly ticket and tow.

Snow route parking bans

Snow route parking bans affect collector roads marked with permanent signs that state “snow route when declared”. Learn more about when a snow route parking ban is declared, how to hear about it and where you can park when snow removal is underway.

Image showing a snow route clearing sign on a light post

Residential street parking restrictions

These restrictions affect all other residential streets and cul-de-sacs. Temporary orange signs are placed in each neighbourhood with dates for snow clearing in the area. Learn more about when these streets are cleared and where to park.

Image showing an orange residential snow clearing sign

Not sure where to park?

Our winter priorities map is a web-based, interactive map allowing users to see their road classification/priority. 

Snow routes
If you live on a Green line (Priority 3 - Snow Route), you can park on roads marked with Yellow lines (Priority 4 - Residential Clearing) during a snow route parking ban.

If you live on a Yellow line (Priority 4 - Residential Clearing), you can park on roads marked with Green line (Priority 3 - Snow Route) during residential snow clearing.

Launch full version of the interactive map

Stay in the know!

You can find out about both types of parking restrictions through:

Further information:

Transportation Engineering and Operations
Phone: 780-417-7100
Submit a County Connect related to winter maintenance

Related topics

Last updated: Friday, March 01, 2024
Page ID: 49299