June 4, 2009

Council approves 10-year strategy to restore and develop Bremner House
County Council today approved a strategy to guide the development of Bremner House and keep its historic context.

The 10-year strategy provides direction on how to proceed with the revitalizing of the 1902 building and site. The strategy outlines structural repairs, and mechanical and safety upgrades for the house, and plans for parking and landscaping. These projects will be considered annually in the County's business plan and budget processes.

In retaining historic context, the County will be eligible for grant funding specific to Alberta Historical Resources.

"This strategy will provide important direction for the development of Bremner House as a multi-purpose facility for the community," says Mayor Cathy Olesen. "It is an important step in protecting the house as a historic resource that will serve to showcase Strathcona County's history and heritage."

Bremner House is one of several of the County's recreation facilities included in the Open Space and Recreation Facility Strategy, a guiding document for open space and facility development and redevelopment, which Council approved in June of last year.

Development of the Bremner strategy was based on the Bremner House Heritage Site Master Plan, the Bremner Feasibility Study and the Bremner House Demand Analysis for Historic Site Programming. Many stakeholders were involved in the planning and further public input will be sought with each phase.

Bremner house is located on Range Road 225 near Township Road 534. It was purchased by Strathcona County in 2004.

A recommendation to consider Bremner House for municipal historic designation is scheduled for the end of June. This will be the first of the County's heritage resources to be considered for municipal designation under a new forthcoming bylaw. This was one of the recommendations brought forward under Strathcona's new Heritage Resources Management Plan, which was approved by Council last November as a policy framework for enhanced heritage conservation initiatives.

News release: Council designates Bremner House a municipal historic resource - June 30, 2009


Mayor Cathy Olesen, 780-464-8000

Last updated: Friday, January 31, 2020
Page ID: 43141