Emerald Hills is located within the north central part of Sherwood Park, just south of Highway 16, and north of Lakeland Drive.  

It is a neighbourhood of approximately 122.82 hectares of land, offering a mixed-use community with a variety of housing opportunities, commercial services, recreation and parks for people with varying lifestyles and age ranges. 

In Emerald Hills you find:  

  • A wide range of housing possibilities which include single homes, townhouses, apartments and senior housing
  • Commercial centres, community hospital and hotels
  • Schools and playgrounds
  • Recreational activities, including:

Plans, maps and bylaws

Emerald Hills Area Structure Plan (ASP) (3.7 MB)
Adopted by Council on September 12, 2017.

Emerald Hills Sustainability Summary and Development Concept Plan (SSDCP) (5.1 MB)
This plan provides a more detailed level of analysis and information that is specific to the SSDCP area and Emerald Hills Centre. The SSDCP builds on the existing Emerald Hills Area Structure Plan (ASP) and was prepared to guide and inform the design and construction of all land within the development area. The document includes sections on access and transportation, urban design, landscape design, and sustainability guidelines. 

The Development Concept Plan area is located along the northern border of Emerald Hills development area and continues south and east of Sherwood Drive.

Emerald Hills ASP Location Map (417.6 KB)

emerald hills location map

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Last updated: Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Page ID: 51335