If you require information or have a concern regarding oil or gas development on your property or in your area, you may wish to reference the following information materials or contact the agencies listed below.

Strathcona County does not have direct authority in energy development, but it does engage in a process with industry, landowners, residents and regulators that is communicative and cooperative. This is done to encourage oil and gas exploration and production to occur with the least possible impact on the environment, health, safety and quality of life for Strathcona County residents.

General | Oil and gas wells | Pipelines | Reclamation
Seismic operations | Water wells | Information materials

Strathcona County Protocol 

The protocol outlines the municipality and community expectations of energy companies working in Strathcona County. It also provides information and a checklist for landowners considering energy developments on their land. Strathcona County reviews all oil and gas, well and pipeline projects for compliance with the Strathcona County protocol.

Oil and gas wells

  • Strathcona County requires road permits for wellsite development, including Road Use Agreement, Right of Way Construction Activity Permit and approach applications.
  • Notification of residence as specified in the Strathcona County Protocol is also required.
  • AER Directive 056, Energy Development Applications and Schedules, dated September 1, 2011
  • The Pembina Institute provides resources to assist citizens with the numerous issues arising from proposed oil and gas development (780-485-9610)
  • The Farmers' Advocate Office, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry focuses on the interests and rights of the landowner and can provide advice on all issues related to lease agreements and negotiations. You can contact by phone at 780-310-3276.
  • Negotiating Surface Rights, Leasing Mineral Rights, Surface Lease Agreement Roadmap for Surface Owners and
    Freehold Owners Association , an organization for those who own subsurface rights (403-245-4438).
  • Surface Rights Board Under the Surface Rights Act, the board can grant right of entry or determine compensation as well as other related issues (780-427-2444).
  • Government of Alberta Surface Rights Act and Regulations
  •  The Orphan Well Association

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Pipeline routing, construction and integrity digs are reviewed by the municipality. Contact Planning and Development Services at 780-464-8080 if you have concerns or questions.

  • Pipeline Setbacks - Strathcona County Land Use Bylaw 6-2015 section 3.12Pipeline Setbacks - Strathcona County Land Use Bylaw 6-2015 section 3.12
  • Pembina Institute provides resources to assist citizens with the numerous issues arising from proposed oil and gas development (780-485-9610).
  • Office of the Farmers' Advocate, Agriculture, Food and Rural Development.
    This organization focuses on the interests and rights of the landowner and can provide advice on all issues related to lease agreements and negotiations (780-310-3276).
  • The Strathcona County Protocol has checklist and information for landowners with or considering a pipeline on their land.

    For issues related to land reclamation, contact the Division of Environmental Science & Standards. 780-427-5883

    Temporary Work Space (107.0 KB)
  • Pipelines in Alberta is a brochure available from the Office of the Farmers' Advocate.
  • North Central Surface Rights Association
    • A group of landowners that work toward resolving land issues and compensation with pipeline development.
      780-576-2077 [president of Association]
      780-998-0838 [local contact for Strathcona County]
  • Government of Alberta Pipeline Act
  • Government of Alberta Surface Rights Act and Regulations
  • Pipeline spills or leaks:
    • AER 403-297-8311 [for toll-free access, dial 310-0000 and then the number]
    • AER 24-hour emergency line 780-460-3800
    • Alberta Environment Environmental Hotline 1-800-222-6514
  • Pipeline location issues:
  • Pipeline compensation issues:
    Surface Rights Board 780-427-2444
  • Pipeline reclamation issues:
    Office of the Farmers' Advocate, Division of Environmental Science & Standards 780-310-3276
  • Edmonton Area Pipeline and Utility Operators' Committee
    Information and contacts for EAPUOC, an association that encourages and promotes safety around buried pipelines and cables. EAPUOC also acts as a communication network to keep members in touch during emergencies. Transportation Utility Corridor (TUC)
    This site offers information regarding the corridor around Edmonton for pipelines, roads, power lines, and other utilities.

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Seismic operations

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Environment and Reclamation

Reclamation certificates for wellsites are issued by Alberta Environment and Parks or contact 780-427-5828. Once a well has been officially abandoned (under the Alberta Energy Regulator [AER]), a company can reclaim the site and apply for a reclamation certificate. To inquire if a reclamation certificate has been issued for a wellsite, go to the following link and tool Environmental Site Assessment Repository (ESAR). A legal land description (i.e. meridian, range road, township road, section, quarter [i.e. SW, SE, SW, NE]) is required to assist you in your search.

  • For issues related to land reclamation, contact Alberta Environment and Parks at 780-427-5828 or the Farmers' Advocate Office at 780-427-2433.
  • Environmental Law Centre
    The Centre provides legal counsel referrals, publications and links to oil and gas development information, briefs and submissions on issues related to the energy industry, a wellsite search service and access to the Environmental Law Library.
    780-424-5099 or 1-800-661-4238 [toll-free]
  • Fort Air Partnership - a reference for current air quality and air shed region resources.
  • Strathcona Industrial Association - a reference for scientifically valid data about current local air quality as well as long-term trends.  
  • Alberta Capital Airshed - a community organization dedicated to collecting and sharing information about ambient air quality in the Alberta Capital Region.

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Water wells

  • Office of the Farmers' Advocate, Agriculture, Food and Rural Development
    This organization can assist with issues related to water loss due to seismic and/or oil and gas exploration activities. They also administer the Water Well Restoration or Replacement Program.
  • Alberta Environment and Parks
    As the regulator, Alberta Environment and Parks has inspectors/investigators to assist with complaints about damage by geophysical (or seismic) exploration.
  • Water Information Centre
    They provide information about water well depths, production rates and water well drawing reports (which may include pump tests and chemistry up to 1986). They also administer the Observation Well Network. AENV works with the public database that supplies water well location, date and location of wells drilled, etc.

  • Capital Health - Strathcona Health Centre
  • Bottles for water testing are available from the Health Centre. Residents and landowners should contact the Health Centre for specific directions related to water collection and testing.
    • Water bacterial testing
      This test checks for contamination and takes approximately 1 week to 10 days for results.
    • Chemical analysis
      They can also test raw well water (not treated) for minerals (iron, fluoride, sodium, etc.) which takes approximately 4 to 6 weeks for results.

      For further information or unusual testing requests (e.g. hydrocarbons), contact a health inspector who will advise if and how Capital Health can assist.
  • Strathcona County protocol appendix 3 (44.3 KB)  - List of Independent Laboratories in Edmonton for Water Well Testing.
  • Drinking Water
  • Private Water Wells After Flooding

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General information and materials

  • Strathcona County, Planning and Development Services
    This department has staff who assist residents with energy exploration issues and concerns.
  • Pembina Institute
    They provide resources to assist citizens with the numerous issues arising from proposed oil and gas development.
  • Clubroot
    In 2007, Alberta Agriculture and Food declared clubroot a pest by the Pest and Nuisance Control Regulation under the Alberta Agricultural Pests Act and released the Alberta Clubroot Management Plan. The Alberta Agriculture Pest Act gives the municipal authority responsibility to enforce pest control measures within their jurisdiction. The landowner or occupant is responsible for preventing the disease from being present in their fields. Strathcona County may require a Clubroot Management plan from the oil and gas company working on a property.
  • Environmental Assistance
  • Northeast Region Community Awareness Emergency Response (NR CAER)
    The NRCAER update line provides information on industrial site activities such as; noise, alarms, flares, smoke, odours, incidents and other activities.
    toll free: 1-866-653-9959
  • When the Oilpatch Comes to Your Backyard is a guide to help citizens with the numerous issues that arise with proposed oil and gas development. It can be ordered from the Pembina Institute and is also available on loan at the Strathcona County Library and bookmobile.
  • Negotiating Surface Rights
    Seismic Operations and Landowners' Rights
    Surface Lease Agreement Roadmap for Surface Owners and Pipelines in Alberta are available from:
    Office of the Farmers' Advocate.
  • Strathcona Industrial Association SDMAP - Approximately 30 industrial companies and emergency agencies in East Edmonton and Strathcona County participate in SDMAP activities. Industrial members include refineries, petro-chemical plants, manufacturers and oil and gas transportation companies. Emergency response agencies are represented in SDMAP. These agencies include emergency services and police, in both Strathcona County and the City of Edmonton.

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  • Land Agent Licensing, to report/inquire about Land Agents 780-415-4600.
  • The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER)is the agency responsible for the energy sector, which falls under the jurisdiction of the provincial government. The AER is the regulatory body for oil and gas development in this province.
    403-297-8311 [for toll-free access, dial 310-0000 and then the number]
    780-460-3800 for the St. Albert Field Office [24-hour emergency number]
  • Surface Rights Board
    Under the Surface Rights Act, the board can grant right of entry or determine compensation as well as other related issues.

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More information

Planning and Development Services
Phone: 780-464-8080
Fax: 780-464-8142
Email: oilandgas@strathcona.ca

Last updated: Thursday, July 11, 2024
Page ID: 38457