A telecommunication company, Alberta Broadband Networks (A-NET), is investing $75 million to build a fibre optics network in Sherwood Park.

Contact Victor Energy if you have construction questions:

General inquiries:  fttx-info@victorenergy.ca
Help Line:  1-855-887-0063

Contact Alberta Broadband Networks if you have project and service questions:

General inquiries:  info@albertabbn.com
Help Line:  780-918-3853
Webpage: albertabroadbandnetworks.com


This project is fully owned, funded and managed by A-NET.

A fibre optics network increases internet speed and reliability. It will allow for residents to have better access to online content including educational opportunities, and promote economic growth for the area.

Fibre optics can also improve cellular performance. A reliable fibre optic network, such as A-NET’s, can help improve the connectivity between cellular towers, improving the performance of phone apps that use cellular data.

Read A-NET's media release to learn more about the project:

Alberta Broadband Networks - Media Release (151.7 KB)


A fibre optics network is a significant infrastructure build.

There may be activity on your street. This could be within the road right-of-way near your home. The right-of-way typically extends into a front yard by about three to four meters although it varies.

Before construction begins, you should receive more information from A-NET. Watch for a pamphlet on your door. There may also be signage in the area.

Strathcona County’s role

Broadband is federally regulated by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). As a municipality, we are obligated under federal regulations to facilitate the installation of this critical infrastructure, owned and constructed by A-NET.

In this case, our role is to ensure safe and efficient management of our lands and rights-of-ways through permitting.

Reliable internet is an identified need in our community

While internet networks are not within municipal jurisdiction, we are committed to finding ways to address the challenges facing our community's internet infrastructure.

This includes advocacy at federal and provincial levels for investment in internet connectivity in our community.

Reliable internet connectivity is crucial for living, working and playing in the modern world.

Improvement to internet service in Strathcona County is an identified need, particularly for rural and commercial/industrial areas. We heard this through public engagement held in 2020 with both businesses and residents.

Strathcona County welcomes all improvements to internet connectivity in our community.

More information:
Construction of fibre optics network in Sherwood Park

Webpage: albertabroadbandnetworks.com
General inquiries:  fttx-info@victorenergy.ca
Help Line:  1-855-887-0063

Project and service information about fibre optics network in Sherwood Park

Webpage: albertabroadbandnetworks.com
General inquiries:  info@albertabbn.com
Help Line:  780-918-3853

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Last updated: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Page ID: 51587