Avoid a costly encounter with... The Clog!

Save yourself from The Clog!

Wipes are often marketed as flushable, but did you know they don't break down in our sewer system? A 2019 report from the Municipal Enforcement Sewer Use Group of Canada found that only toilet paper met the requirements to be considered 'flushable.'

Defining 'Flushability' for Sewer Use (1.9 MB)

Wipes should be tossed into the waste instead of flushed down the toilet. The only things you should flush are the three P's: pee, poo and toilet paper.

Wastewater from your toilets takes less than one day to travel from your home to the treatment plant. "Flushable" wipes cannot break down this fast, but toilet paper can. Below are photos how toilet paper and different brands of wipes break down in water.

Baby wipes

Experiment with bottles: day one. Baby wipes in first two bottles and toilet paper in third bottle, all intact.


Experiment with bottles: day one. Baby wipes in first two bottles still intact and toilet paper in third bottle has completely broken down and dissolved in the water.


As you can see, toilet paper breaks down very quickly. If there is a tree root, a curve, grease or other blockage in the pipe, toilet paper can usually still pass through without adding to the build-up. Wipes and other large or absorbent materials (i.e. feminine hygiene products, paper towels or diapers) will get caught which blocks water and often requires repair. As wastewater moves to the treatment plant, fans and other sensitive equipment are also damaged by shredded fibres from the wipes.


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Email: scutilities@strathcona.ca

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Last updated: Thursday, May 09, 2019
Page ID: 49314