Strathcona County's 2024 municipal census survey asks up to 23 questions. Some of these questions will only be asked once, of each household, while demographic questions will be asked of each person within a household. 

Review the census questions below for more information on why we ask each question, and what the County uses the information for.


Is the address shown here correct?
Address validation ensures the census survey is being completed for the correct dwelling.

Dwelling status

Is the dwelling occupied, unoccupied, a vacant lot, under construction, or non-residential?
Dwelling status is used to update our census address list and ensure we are collecting information only from occupied residential households.

Dwelling type

What is the dwelling type?
Dwelling type is used to produce information about housing density in Strathcona County.


Is the dwelling owned or rented?
This information is necessary for developing housing policies and programs as well as making decisions regarding types of dwellings, services and finances needed by the municipality.

Number of usual residents

How many people reside in the home?
The usual number of residents is used to obtain an accurate population count. Up-to-date census information is important to plan for municipal services and programs and to secure grant funding based on population.

Household income

What is your annual household income before taxes?
This information is used to determine the number of families and individuals eligible for municipal subsidies for budgeting purposes. Data on the income distribution will also be used to inform planning for programs and services related to affordability.

Number of vehicles

How many vehicles (not including recreational vehicles i.e. RV’s, boats, etc.) are registered to occupants of this household?
Knowing how many vehicles are registered to each household supports roadway planning and operations. The data is also used for neighbourhood transportation planning and resourcing throughout the County.


Do you or anyone living in this household experience a prolonged or permanent disability (mobility, vision, hearing, cognitive, sensory, developmental, mental health, learning, or other disability)?
Information on the prevalence of disability and the rate of different types of disabilities will enable County departments to make informed decisions on removing barriers to our buildings, programs, information, services, and employment opportunities.

Disability type

What type(s) of disability do you or others living in this household experience?
See “Disability” question above.

Year of birth

What is this person’s year of birth?
Birth years are used to identify program needs for children, youth and seniors and financial programs and housing requirements. The data is used for facility and transportation need identification and determining the potential workforce for the municipality. Year of birth data is also used to determine the number of electors for election planning.


What is this person’s gender?
Gender information is used to determine community demographics.

School board election eligibility

Strathcona County partners with Elk Island Catholic Schools and Elk Island Public Schools to deliver the school board elections. Under the Education Act, eligibility is based on faith. Those of Roman Catholic faith are eligible to vote in the Catholic school board election. All others are eligible to vote in the public school board election. In 2025 which school board election is this person eligible to vote in?
Understanding the number of residents who are eligible or will be eligible to vote for a public or catholic trustee is used for election planning purposes.

Canadian citizenship

Is this person a Canadian citizen?
Canadian citizenship is used for determining the number of electors for election planning.

Marital status

What is the marital status of this person?
Marital status is asked to identify the structure of the households within Strathcona County for planning and forecasting.


How long has this person lived in Strathcona County?
Length of residence is used to determine movement within the County and to measure the mobility and stability within the municipality.

Employment/student status

What is the primary employment or student status of this person?
Employment status and location are used to measure work-related activities, study labour resources, and labour markets within the areas.

Employment/school location

In which community is this person’s place of work/school?
Employment/school location is used to determine the distance and routes commuting drivers use to get to and from their daily trips on the road network as well as for future transportation planning.

Primary mode of transportation

What is the primary mode of transportation to work/school for this person?
Understanding which modes of transportation residents are using will help the County plan for future mobility options.


What is the highest level of education this person has completed?
Education data is used to identify the labour force for economic development. It is also used to determine relationships between education level and programming, and to develop communication strategies.

Primary language

What is the primary language this person speaks at home?
Information on language use will support the County’s ongoing initiatives to build greater diversity and inclusion within the organization, its programs and the community. Language information is also useful in developing communication strategies and to help the social and economic integration of newcomers.


Which category best describes this person’s race/ethnicity?
Information on race/ethnicity will support the County’s ongoing initiatives to build greater diversity and inclusion within the organization, it’s programs and the community.

Indigenous identity

Does this person identify as First Nations, Metis and/or Inuk/Inuit?
Information on Indigenous identity will be used to understand the make-up of the Indigenous community in the County and support the ongoing work of truth and reconciliation. To learn more about Indigenous engagement opportunities and events please visit

Completed by

This census survey was completed by:
Provincial regulation requires the County to report the number of surveys completed by residents, enumerators, and by phone. This information will also help the Census Team plan for future municipal censuses.

Census Office
160 Festival Way
Telephone: 780-400-3800

Last updated: Thursday, April 18, 2024
Page ID: 51549