Traffic counts

Strathcona County conducts traffic counts to help us make traffic management decisions that keep our road network moving efficiently. 

Tracking the number of vehicles on our roads helps us:

  • Update traffic calming measures
  • Update traffic signal timings
  • Assist developers planning new projects
  • Assist in long range planning for our road network
  • Determine which roads need improvements
  • Determine traffic safety countermeasures for identified problems

Traffic counts are conducted in both rural and urban areas. There are two methods used for traffic counts: automatic counts and manual counts.

Automatic counts - Automatic counts uses different data collection tools like pneumatic hose counters, radar counters and video camera. This method typically runs all day and for longer durations.

Manual counts - Manual counts are conducted by Strathcona County employees and are used to gather specific characteristics of the type of movement on our roadways and through our intersections. This method is used for both vehicle and pedestrian traffic.

How can I find out about the number of vehicles (traffic volume) on my road?

Visit our traffic counts interactive web map to see both the urban and rural traffic counts in Strathcona County. 

Strathcona County Urban Business/Commercial Site Trip Generation Study

A report detailing trip generation factors and vehicle classifications reflective of weekday and weekend traffic characteristics of various business/commercial sites along the Baseline Road corridor in Sherwood Park.

Strathcona County Urban Business/Commercial Site Trip Generation Study (9.8 MB)

Traffic noise

Traffic noise is unwanted sound that comes from vehicles operating on our roadways. A consistent framework is necessary for the assessment and, as necessary, the attenuation of forecasted or actual traffic noise in residential neighbourhoods. Please review the policy below for additional information.

To request a traffic noise study, please contact Transportation Engineering and Operations.

More information:

Transportation Engineering and Operations
Phone: 780-417-7100

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Rural traffic count
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Last updated: Thursday, May 25, 2023
Page ID: 39117