We don’t always know the challenges our friends or neighbours are facing. Find out more about Jack’s struggles.

Jack* has always been an outgoing person who loved spending as much time as possible with friends and family. This all changed when Jack’s health started to decline ten years ago. Since his hip operation, he has mobility issues and finds it very difficult to leave his house. He has stopped attending the 55+ Club.

Jack feels overwhelmed, alone and sad and has a hard time asking for help. He doesn’t want to be a burden to anyone.

Jack has now stopped answering the phone when his family calls. His family is worried about the doctor appointments he has missed.  Jack’s son, Don, has asked his dad on numerous occasions to come live with his family. 

Don’s house only has 3 bedrooms. If Jack were to move in, his grandchildren would have to share a room. All the bedrooms are also upstairs and difficult for Jack to access. Jack doesn’t want to add more to Don’s work and family pressures.  He feels he doesn’t know who he is anymore and struggles with his increased loss of independence.

Don tries to talk to his wife Brenda about his dad. Most often this leads to an argument. Don wants to help his father and have a peaceful environment at home.  He doesn’t know what he’s going to do.

  • Do you know anyone like Jack, Don or Brenda?
  • As a community, how could we help them feel supported, safe and connected?


* Jack is a fictional character. His circumstances and scenario are informed by the support services accessed by residents in the County right now. 


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Last updated: Thursday, May 18, 2023
Page ID: 49374