School bus “fly-bys” a growing safety concern

January 31, 2025

School bus “fly-bys” a growing safety concern

Drivers are reminded that “reds flashing means no passing” as the number of school bus "fly-bys" in Strathcona County continues to grow.

A fly-by occurs when a driver passes a stopped school bus that has its flashing red lights activated. The red lights mean a child is boarding or exiting the school bus. Drivers are legally required to stop for any school bus with flashing red lights. Current hot spots for fly-bys in Strathcona County include Highway 16, Highway 14 and Range Road 215.

Elk Island Public Schools and Elk Island Catholic Schools are working closely with Strathcona County RCMP and Enforcement Services to find solutions to this issue and ensure children get to school safely. In 2023/24, Enforcement Services issued 12 tickets for this offence.

"Passing a school bus with flashing lights and an extended stop sign is not just illegal, it may result in the loss of a child’s life,” says Lisa-Marie Weder, Director of Student Transportation at Elk Island Public Schools. “While the $567 fine and six demerit points serve as a stern warning, these penalties are reactive. EIPS believes in a proactive approach: educating motorists about the importance of stopping for school buses with their flashing lights and stop sign out to keep our students safe. A child's life is far too precious to risk for a moment of impatience.”

“Student safety is paramount for us, and our drivers are fully trained and committed to getting our students safely to and from school each day — but this is also a community responsibility,” says Mike Hayden, Student Transportation Director for Elk Island Catholic Schools. “Driving past a school bus that is stopped with flashing lights is a temporary lapse in judgment that can permanently change a life. If you ‘fly-by’ a bus with its red flashing lights on and stop sign engaged, your license plate will be recorded and reported.”

Many school buses are now equipped with cameras, which allows the school bus drivers to share the video with law enforcement. These recordings enable Community Peace Officers to issue tickets. When recordings are not available, bus drivers can still report the incident. This information is compiled and shared with RCMP and Enforcement Services. 

“Our Community Peace Officers are working with school boards and increasing patrols in identified hot spots,” says Inspector Vito DiSciglio, Manager of Enforcement Services. “By having a presence along the school bus routes, we hope that drivers remember to slow down and stop when the school bus activates its red lights. School bus safety is vital for protecting children, reducing risks and promoting safe behaviour.”

Residents can report school bus fly-bys to Strathcona County Enforcement Services 24/7 by phoning 780-467-7741.

Map of school bus fly-by locations (794.3 KB)



Strathcona County Communications, 780-410-6595

Elk Island Catholic Schools (EICS) Communications,

Laura McNabb
Director, Communication Services
Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS)